GENERAL RULES - BYBSA Recreational Baseball League
This program is dedicated to: Developing strong, healthy bodies, understanding and obeying the rules, the development of baseball skills in accordance with the age level and ability of each participant and training in good sportsmanship.
The principle of good sportsmanship includes everyone: coaches, umpires, parents, and spectators, and is fundamental to the successful operation of the league. All adults and children should conduct themselves at league functions in such a manner that they are good examples for everyone in the league to emulate.
The head coaches for each team are responsible for the coaches, players, parents, and spectators. All coaches must be pro-active in keeping the BYBA complex a safe, fun place for the kids to play and for the spectators to watch.
The official playing rules, with the exceptions and variations contained in these association rules, shall be the same as “Official Baseball Rules” also known as the Major League Baseball Rules.
The playing fields will now have lighting for night games.
The lights will be turned off automatically at 10:00pm every night. This cannot be changed for any reason.
No games may be scheduled that would be timed to run past this time.
Any game that is underway when the lights go off will be considered complete as of the last full inning played.
It is the responsibility of the coaches to clear the fields and get the equipment put away.
At no time is alcohol allowed at any BYBSA fields. At no time is tobacco, in any form, which includes cigarettes, chew, snuff, etc., allowed on the BYBSA fields.
At no time are pets allowed on the BYBSA fields. Violators will be asked to first, leave the premises, then they shall be reported to the police and escorted from the field complex.
Should a team be found not following these rules, the coaches will be subject to suspension and possible disbarment from the league.
All practice fields, at all locations will be considered a BYBSA field in regard to these rules.
All coaches must enforce these rules strictly. Any deviation or violation of these rules may warrant suspension, pending the decision of the board.
Tournament rules will be handed out to each coach and umpire prior to the start of the tournament.
The BYBSA will issue all game balls for the league play and for BYBSA tournament games.
The home team shall provide two (2) game balls to the umpires at the start of each game.
The league shall provide baseballs during tournament play.
Wooden or metal baseball bats may be used.
Wooden bats must have a rubber handle or a taped handle.
Modified or altered bats are not allowed.
For the 6-10 year old age groups, all bats must be USSSA BPF 1.15 or USA Baseball approved.
There can be no Tee-Ball bats except for Tee-Ball.
All rubber soled, cleated shoes are legal for use in all age groups.
Tennis shoes are legal for use in all age groups, however, cleats are strongly recommended.
Metal spiked cleats are not legal and any player caught using them shall be warned to take them off. If said player is unwilling, it is the umpire’s decision to eject him/her.
All players (male and female) will be required to wear a protective cup. There are “soft cups” available for females.
All players will be required to wear a heart guard
All players must have a baseball glove. It is highly recommended for all players to have their own batting helmet, if the player does not have their own batting helmet they can check one out from the BYBSA for the season.
Uniforms will be provided by the BYBSA and must be worn by all players.
Shirts must be tucked into the pants and all sleeves are to be worn down, not rolled.
A baseball cap is part of the uniform and must be worn by a player when in the field.
If a player loses their cap, another one can be purchased from the BYBSA.
Only approved adornments will be allowed on baseball uniforms. The likely approved adornments would be player names (at team’s expense) or possibly a symbol to represent a significant belief or cause (at team’s expense). The board must approve any adornment the team wishes to add to the uniform BEFORE it is done. Failure to get approval could result in the replacement of the uniform, at the team’s own cost.
No jewelry of any kind can be worn during a game, this includes necklaces, Livestrong wristbands, and religious knots. The only “jewelry” allowed would be that of a medical nature.
The equipment to be worn by a catcher will be supplied be the BYBSA, including protective headgear, mask, chest protector, shin guards, and catcher’s mitt.
A catcher may purchase and wear their own equipment if desired, as long as it meets the requirements of the league rules.
Prior to the start of each game, the head coach or assistant coach shall be responsible for verifying that all of his/her players are equipped in compliance with the above rules.
Any questions regarding the legality of a player’s equipment shall be determined by the umpire-in-chief.
The following guidelines apply for missing or late players:
If a team is short players at game time, that coach must agree to play the game with less than the authorized number of players, or forfeit the game. That same coach cannot protest a loss due to not having enough players.
If players arrive late to the game, they will be inserted at the end of the batting order.
A vacant position will not be considered an automatic out.
Players added after the first batting rotation may still be added at the end of the batting order.
Teams and players will not be penalized for players who must leave a game early due to certain personal functions related to school, church, family, etc.
The player that has left is not permitted to return to the game.
Once the player leaves, the team can not be penalized with an automatic out due to the vacant position in the batting order.
A coach may not approach the mound and talk with the pitcher more than once in an inning.
The second conference with the pitcher requires that the pitcher is removed from that position for at least three batters unless that pitcher has pitched his maximum number of pitches allowed.
The player may still play another position.
A pitch count will be maintained by every team for each game and each pitcher.
The pitch counts will need to be verified by both coaches after the game.
Each team must show up within 15 minutes of scheduled game time. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of that game.
The exception to this is if the team is playing a double-header the 15 minutes will not start until the other game has finished.
All batters, base runners, players coaching in the baseline coaching boxes, and players in the on-deck circle must wear protective headgear, which gives the protection to the top of the head, temples, ears, and base of the skull.
Headgear may not have cracks or other defects.
Players will be given 1 warning for not wearing proper headgear and then will be called out on subsequent occurrences.
In the 5 – 8 year old divisions, no player may play more than 2 consecutive innings in the infield. This does not include pitchers in the Kid Pitch divisions as they may go 3 innings in a game.
Catchers are not considered to be an infield position.
In all age groups and divisions, no player may sit on the bench for more than 1 consecutive inning. Exceptions to this are for injuries or sickness.
Coaches may use the re-entry rule as often as they wish, as long as all players meet the following criteria.
Players can be shuffled in and out of positions in the field with the following exceptions:
A player that has been removed from the game for disciplinary reasons may not return during the same game.
A pitcher who is removed from that position may not pitch again for at least three batters unless that pitcher has pitched the maximum number of innings allowed. That player may occupy other positions in the field.
A catcher may not be switched during the middle of an inning unless injured.
Any offensive player (batter, base runner, coaching player, or on-deck batter) who deliberately removes his/her protective helmet will be given 1 warning, ensuing infractions from that player shall result in an out.
If the offending player is not directly involved in the game as a batter or base runner at the time, the out will be considered as a team out and will not affect the player’s subsequent appearance in the game.
All team players must be legally registered with the BYBSA and must appear on the team’s official roster as maintained by the BYBSA.
The penalty for use of an illegal player shall be forfeiture of all games in which the illegal player has participated.
The home team during the regular season will be determined by the official league schedule.
Any coach or assistant coach found in violation of the rules may be terminated and removed from the roster, subject to the decision of the board.
Any coach, parent, spectator, or player who is using profanity during a game, or displaying inappropriate of offensive behavior, will be removed from the game and/or pending board decision may result in that person’s removal for the remainder of the year.
An ejection or suspension means that the coach, parent, spectator, or player that is ejected or suspended will not be allowed on the fields, BYBSA grounds, or parking lot for the duration of the suspension.
The BYBSA Board of Directors will evaluate each ejection to determine if further disciplinary measures are warranted.
All teams, in all age groups, will use a bat-through lineup. This means that all players attending the game must be in the batting lineup and bat in the order listed in the score book. If an error is made in the lineup, it must be corrected. There is no penalty.
No more than a total of 5 coaches, assistant coaches, or parent helpers may be in the dugout during a game.
When a team is batting, there may be a coach helper in each coach’s box and the others must be in the dugout to supervise the players.
Absolutely no siblings or friends are allowed in the dugout during the game or practice time.
The defensive coach must be in the dugout or within 10 feet from the dugout entrance.
For Machine Pitch teams there may be a coach on each foul line and in center field to help get the younger kids in the correct position.
The following defines a calendar week and a calendar day pertaining to baseball rules.
A calendar week starts at 12:01 am on Monday and ends at midnight on the following Sunday.
A calendar day is from 12:01 am to 12:00 midnight.
The umpire-in-chief will make the decision regarding the delay of a game.
All calls will be determined based on the safety of the players.
A maximum of two 15-minute delays can be called before a decision is made to play or postpone a game in progress.
If a team leaves before umpire-in-chief calls the game, that team will forfeit the game.
In the event of rain or stormy weather, all coaches and players should look for an email from the BYBSA for notice of cancelation of game.
If a game has been called for any reason, it is an official game if four innings have been completed or if the home team has scored more runs after 3½ innings have been completed.
All games ended because of the time limit will be considered official, regardless of the number of innings completed.
During a night game, if the lights go off at the predetermined time that the city has set, and a game is under way, the game shall be considered official, regardless of the number of innings played.
The last fully completed inning will be the official end of the game.
No runs scored in the current inning will count towards the final score.
If a game is called for any reason before it is an official game, it shall be considered a suspended game. If rescheduled, it is to be resumed from the point at which it was suspended (base runners, pitch count, inning and time). Both coaches and umpires must agree on all points and must sign each rule book prior to departure from the fields.
If a team is leading its opponent by at least ten runs after 4 or more equal innings have been played, the game shall be terminated and the team with the 10-run lead will be declared the winner. If both coaches agree, and time permits, the game can continue and the final result will be the official game.
Games postponed due to weather, field conditions, or any other reason will be rescheduled prior to the start of tournament play at the League’s earliest convenience.
Any game, in any age division, may end in a tie during the regular season.
(1) BYBSA approved umpire will be scheduled for each game at the machine pitch and kid pitch level.
At least 1 BYBA approved umpire MUST be present for each game .
In the event that the BYBSA umpires does not show up another volunteer may be used upon agreement by the opposing coaches to ump the game.
The umpire’s decision is final, unless it is a clear violation and then can only be changed by the league president or umpire director. These must be submitted in the form of a protest. (See: Protests)
Both teams during a game will provide a scorekeeper.
The scorekeeper for the home team will be the official scorekeeper.
Coaches should ensure that they have 2 scorekeepers trained in how to keep score.
Adult coaches must be used in either or both of the coaching boxes at first and third bases.
Players may be used as base coaches - players acting as base coaches must wear protective headgear.
Players and coaching staff must remain in the designated areas throughout the game.
Only the team and the coaching staff are allowed in the designated areas.
No more than three 5 adults are allowed in the dugout at any time.
Coaches are responsible to control the behavior of their parents. Failure to do so may cause coaches and/or parents to be ejected from the game field.
Coaches and/or parents may ask a board member to assist in removing a parent from the fields.
Practice is limited to (2) 1-1/2 hour sessions each week
Prior to the start of the season, coaches will be assigned (2) practice times at fields under the BYBSA control.
A protest based on a play which involves an umpire’s judgment is NOT permitted.
If a protest is based on an interpretation of the rules, the objecting coach must, at the time the play occurs, notify the home plate umpire. The umpire will notify the opposing coach and the official scorekeeper immediately that the game is being played under protest. Umpires will then make a public announcement to the crowd that the game is being played under protest.
The protesting coach must submit the protest in writing to the BYBSA President within 24 hours of the completion of the game. A $35 fee must be included with the written protest. The fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld. When a protest based on the interpretation of a rule is upheld by the protest committee, the game concerned shall be replayed from the point of the protest.
If a coach, assistant coach, or other team staff member withdraws a team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of he game, the team that left the field shall forfeit all rights to protest as described in this section.
The protest committee will be the Board of Directors. All board members are eligible to vote, unless he or she has officiated, coached or had a child playing on a team involved in this protest. There is a 7-day time limit to settle protests.