Playing Field:
Distance between bases is 50 feet
A foul strike area is a drawn arc between the baselines, 10 feet out from the batting tee.
General Rules:
The length of the game is 3 innings or 45 minutes, whichever comes first.
The starting lineup of each team shall include all of the players.
Each team will have the same number of times at bat and in the field.
Scores are not kept and there are no winners or losers.
There is no pitching, the ball must be hit off of the batting tee.
All players on the team bat in each inning of play. When a team bats through the batting order once, the inning is over.
Defensive players are to alternate between the infield and outfield every inning to child’s ability and safety.
The infield shall have no more than 7 players including the pitcher and the catcher. The outfield may have up to 6 players.
Only players and coaches are allowed on the playing field before and during the game. Coaches may be on the field to instruct defensive players, but cannot touch a ball in play. Coaches for the offensive team may give batting instructions, but cannot physically help runners on base.
When a team is at bat, all players are to sit on their bench in the order in which they will bat, except for the batter, the on-deck batter, and any base runners.
When a team is in the field, all players will be used in the field.
The batter is not to touch the tee (a coach may adjust the tee to a player’s height).
There are no strikeouts.
The batter continues until a fair ball is hit by the batter.
A fair ball is a batted ball that: Lands in or is touched be a player in fair territory (infield or outfield).First lands in foul territory, then rolls fair into the infield.
A foul ball is a batted ball that: Lands in or is touched by a player in foul territory, Rolls into foul territory before reaching first or third base and comes to rest there or a batted ball that travels less than 10 feet or if the batter hits the tee and knocks the ball off the tee.
All batters must wear a batting helmet.
If the batter throws the bat in a dangerous manner, the batter is out and any base runners must return to their base.
The catcher stands far enough behind home plate so as not to interfere with the batter.
Base Running:
After all base runners have moved ahead on the bases as far as possible, or after an out, a “time out” is called and the ball is put on the tee for the next batter.
A runner must remain on base until the ball is hit.
Runners may not advance on an overthrow
All runners must wear a batting helmet while on base.