BYBSA Scholarship Program

Our scholarship program is a very important aspect of our organizations goal to further the game of baseball & softball for our youth. We want to see every young ballplayer get the opportunity to learn or continue playing baseball & softball even when financial hardship affects a family.

Each year, pending financing, with Board approval, BYBSA will allot a designated amount of scholarship funds to sponsor ballplayers that are in need of financial assistance. The money awarded will be used to cover standard registration fees.

The criteria used to evaluate and ultimately award scholarship funds will be based off of provided financial data and an applicant essay. Neither will hold a more significant value than the other; however both are required to be considered for nomination and subsequent award. The BYBSA Board of Directors will review only fully completed applications and provide some form of communication back to all applicants. BYBSA expects each scholarship participant and family to maintain good sportsmanship, leadership and citizenship through team play.

All information will be held in strict confidence by the BYBSA Board for sole purposes of determining qualification need for the scholarship program. Interested applicants should complete the scholarship application online. Persons applying for scholarship funding must provide an essay of 500 words or less to qualify.

We ask that the parent(s) or guardian of the player make a commitment for their child to attend all practices and games and they provide or arrange timely personal transportation for the youth. BYBSA staff consists of volunteers who have necessary obligations outside baseball as you do, therefore getting your children to and from league functions on time is very important. Additionally, scholarship families may also be required to volunteer time for the season or the scholarship and any future playing opportunities may be forfeited.

1. Scholarships are available for youths deemed eligible to play for the BYBSA.

2. Scholarships can be used only for BYBSA registration fees, and are not transferable to any other sport or organization. Incidental team costs and /or required equipment are excluded from scholarship consideration.

3. Maximum amount given per year will be limited to the full league registration fee per player. Partial scholarships may be awarded.

4. Scholarship applications must be completed and submitted by two weeks prior to payment deadline.

5. All applications and financial information provided are considered private data on individuals and is subject to privacy of information provisions, pursuant to State Statute.

6. BYBSA Board of Directors reserves the right to verify all information contained on the application form in order to grant, deny or revoke any scholarship monies.

7. Applicants will be notified either in person, by email or phone as to the outcome of their scholarship request.

8. If approved for a partial scholarship, the remaining program registration fees are due at the time of notification.

9. Scholarships will be granted only if funds are available and it at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.

10. Questions should be directed to the BYBSA Vice President at